Redesigning Indoor Laundry

pid - A retractable indoor clothes line designed with functionality, convenience and subtlety in mind.

pid features clever functionality, simple operation and only a modest impact on your interior design scheme. Special attention was given to pid's usability and external presence in a room: the feel of the unit, the feel of the operation, and the interior presence both when extended and when retracted.

Total Weight Capacity: 10kg
Maximum Wire Span: 4.0m

Safety Features

To prevent potential injury, pid comes fitted with a carefully weighted dampening mechanism. If the wire is accidentally released, it is retracted into the unit at a gentle and safe pace.



pid is easy to install on finished and unfinished walls, and can also be relocated if necessary. Simply afix the aluminium base plates to a wooden stud, beam or concrete wall foundation, and mount the components on to the plates.

Award History









  Morita Aluminum Industry